
NuqtaSol is the name of a collection of individuals who believe in excellence. We specialize in hiring people who have the drive to succeed and the will to implement the discipline required to succeed. We focus on nurturing our team and providing our team an environment that is conductive to creative thought. We focus on eliminating stress and pressure so our team can think clearly and creatively.

Industry trends show that companies that have been asking the question ‘why outsource’ have become vocal advocates of the offshore model. Outsourcing work has come to be a tried-and-tested model and is recognized as a long term competitive strategy for success. The question going around now is not ‘why outsource?’ but ‘why not outsource?’ We are here to provide you with an opportunity.

NuqtaSol provides advanced data warehousing and reporting services tailored to the needs of your industry.
Our data warehouse service gives you the ability to improve your data analysis and reporting. With our service you will have all your business critical information available on demand.

NuqtaSol focuses not just on recruiting individuals that are performance oriented but also on developing them. People who are passionate about Data is vital to what we do. To us it is important to ensure that our clients are satisfied and are being served with the care and respect they deserve.

Open positions

how can we help you?

Contact us at an NuqtaSol Solutions office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.

Peter Sondergaard
Senior Vice President, Gartner Research

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